Common questions asked about our NovoDS digital signage solutions.
Please visit support.launchnovo.com for more details.
- Q1. What is the storage capacity available for user content?
- Q2. Some notes on media formats, video decoding capabilities, social media, offline webpage content, and others.
- Q3. Some notes on the length of naming and text strings.
- Q4. Some notes on screen orientation and layout options
- Q5. How to display Google Docs?
- Q6. How to show PowerPoint documents?
- Q7. What features are supported by the Preview Engine (“Preview Now”)?
- Q8. How to set up Remote Media or Remote Text?
- Q9. HTML5 performance on NovoDS devices
- Q10. Instagram re-authorization
- Q11. How to set up the People Counting widget?
- Q12. How to display iCal Google Calendar on digital signage.
- Q13. How to broadcast Facebook to Novo-series device(s).